Useful Links
We asked our staff and our partners in Brent to tell us which sites they like to use. Here are their recommended sites. Some sites also have big links pages so we have not tried to copy them all. Please let us know of other interesting and accessible sites and we will add them at a later date.
- Brent Council’s main site
- Brent Works
- Brent Mind’s site
- AbilityNet
- Brent Council Safeguarding Adult Information
- Healthwatch
- Brent Health Matters
National or International sites
- Royal Mencap’s site
- The National Autistic Society’s Site
- The Department of Health
- The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
- Norah Fry Research Centre
- Change
- Paradigm
- Rehab Recovery
Websites specifically aimed at people with learning disabilities
- English Sports Association of People with Learning Disabilities
- National mental health charity
- The British Institute for Learning Disabilities
- Details of all charities in the UK
- Details of all companies in UK
- The UK Health and Disability Network provides a range of support and consultancy
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