
Each year we hold events to raise money. Recently 9 people completed the Brent Mencap Meander from Willesden to Roundwood park and back. We raised £850 through Just Giving  and cash donations. Each year we hold 4 film screenings at our local cinema, the Tricycle and any surplus from ticket sales benefits Brent Mencap. We also do street and supermarket collections. If you would like to support these events look out for our newsletters.

Just Giving Page

If you would like to donate on-line to Brent Mencap you can go to our page. It’s secure and easy to give.  Just Giving Brent Mencap page

We rely on money given to us in grants and fundraising.  You can help us, and the people we support and campaign for, in 2  main ways:

  • You can give us money
  • You could volunteer your time

Brent Mencap is a local branch of Royal Mencap.

We are affiliated to Royal Mencap, but we get no funding from them.  They have their own national services and campaigns, which they have to raise money for.

We manage all the Mencap services in Brent, and we have to raise all the money ourselves.

It’s really hard to get money for projects.  We want to do more and the only way we can do this is by applying for more money from grants and with your help.

Volunteer Fundraisers

We need people to help us with small fundraising events, such as street collections, bake sales and quiz nights.

For further information, please contact us on 020 8451 5278 or emailing