
Donating to Brent Mencap can easily be done via the  website here.  You can make a one-off donation or make a regular monthly payment. Alternatively you can make a donation using your mobile phone.  Just text the message: MENC33 and the amount to: 70070

Here’s How Your Money Could Help:

  • £300 could pay for a day’s training for 16 people on accessible information
  • £1000 would pay for transport for 14 young people to attend a play scheme for a week
  • £50,000 would pay for our campaigning and development work for a year and some core costs which are not covered by other project funding.
  • £50 would pay for food and refreshments for a disco or social evening
  • £100 would pay staff costs to support young people at an after school club for one night
  • £3000 would pay for 8 young people with high support needs to attend a holiday play scheme
  • £25,000 would pay for an employment worker for a year to support 20 people to do work experience or paid work

Remember us in your Will and leave a lasting legacy.

Leaving a legacy in your Will allows you to keep helping others after your death. If you are able to do so, please consider supporting us in this way. We are grateful for all donations and legacies.